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Types of Managed IT Services

Last updated: 10 May 2023

In this fast-paced business environment, technology plays a crucial role in the operations of any organization. It ensures businesses run efficiently, from managing critical data to providing seamless communication and collaboration. Small and medium-sized businesses may find managing and maintaining IT infrastructure costly and time-consuming. This is where managed IT services come into play.

Managed IT services refer to outsourcing IT support to a third-party service provider. The providers offer various services such as network management, cybersecurity, cloud, and more to assist organizations in maintaining and managing their IT infrastructure. This blog explores the different types of managed IT services businesses can consider.

Types of Managed IT Services

Network Management Services

Network management services monitor and maintain an organization’s network infrastructure. These services are critical to ensuring the availability, performance, and security of the network environment. Managed network services include network monitoring, design and implementation, disaster recovery, security, and troubleshooting. By utilizing these services, businesses can reduce network downtime, improve network performance, and mitigate security risks.

These services help businesses ensure that their network functions efficiently and securely. Included below are some common examples of network management services.

  1. Network Monitoring: Network monitoring services continuously monitor an organization’s network for potential problems or security threats. This service includes monitoring network traffic, identifying vulnerabilities, and proactively addressing issues before they become major problems.
  2. Network Security: The purpose of network security services is to safeguard an organization’s network against cyber threats such as ransomware, phishing attacks, and malware. This service includes firewall implementation, intrusion detection and prevention, antivirus software installation, and regular security audits.
  3. Network Infrastructure Management:Network infrastructure management services involve managing an organization’s network infrastructure, including hardware and software maintenance, upgrades, and configuration. This service includes managing routers, switches, servers, and other network devices.

Cloud Services

Cloud services involve hosting applications, data, and other resources on a cloud-based infrastructure. Included below are some common examples of cloud services.

  1. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing services utilize remote servers for storing, managing, and processing data. These resources, including storage, processing power, and software applications, are available on demand. Cloud computing services can save businesses time and money by eliminating the need to purchase and manage their IT infrastructure.
  2. Cloud Management: Cloud management services refer to managing cloud infrastructure, including software, storage, and other critical components. These services help businesses implement and manage cloud solutions tailored to their needs. Cloud management services provide improved data security, minimize downtime, and allow remote access to data and applications. The most significant benefit of cloud management services is the flexibility of scaling resources quickly and cost-effectively.

Cybersecurity Services

Utilizing cybersecurity services helps businesses protect their network, devices, and data from cyber threats. These services help protect data and intellectual property, minimizing the chances of data breaches and ensuring regulatory compliance. Included below are some common examples of cybersecurity services.

  1. Security Assessment: Security assessment services involve thoroughly assessing an organization’s IT infrastructure to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats. This service includes conducting penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and security audits.
  2. Cybersecurity Monitoring: Cybersecurity monitoring services involve continuous monitoring of an organization’s IT infrastructure to detect potential security incidents. This service includes monitoring network traffic, log files, and security events to identify and respond to potential threats.
  3. Incident Response: Incident response services involve responding to security incidents, such as cyber-attacks or data breaches. This service includes investigating the incident, containing the damage, and restoring the affected systems and data.

Data Backup and Recovery Services

Data backup and recovery services can protect businesses from catastrophic data loss due to hardware failure, malicious attacks, or other disasters. Managed services can help businesses create regular backups of their important data to ensure that critical information is not lost. In addition, these services can help businesses restore their data quickly and efficiently in the event of a disaster.

Managed backup and recovery services incorporate specialized software and a robust backup infrastructure to ensure data is backed up regularly, replicated to a secondary site, and tested to ensure it can be quickly restored.

These services protect an organization’s data against a variety of potential hazards, such as hardware malfunctions, natural disasters, and cyber-attacks. Included below are some common examples of data backup and recovery services.

  1. Backup Services: Backup services involve regularly backing up an organization’s data to a secure, offsite location. This service includes configuring backup schedules, testing backup files, and restoring data when needed.
  2. Disaster Recovery: Disaster recovery services refer to restoring an organization’s IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster or a cyber-attack. This service includes developing a disaster recovery plan, testing the plan regularly, and recovering data and systems as quickly as possible.

Help Desk and Technical Support Services

Help desk and technical support services provide businesses with remote help desk support or on-site technical support to quickly address any IT-related issues or questions.

Using managed help desk and technical support services can be advantageous to businesses. These services offer the convenience of promptly accessing a team of IT professionals with diverse skills and expertise to troubleshoot and resolve any issues. Remote support offers the convenience of resolving many issues without needing in-person support.

Infrastructure Management Services

Infrastructure management services allow businesses to outsource the maintenance and management of servers, storage, and other IT infrastructure components.

These services can include patching and updates, configuration management, and performance monitoring, among other maintenance tasks. Infrastructure management services can help businesses focus on their core operations while maintaining and optimizing the IT environment.

Unified Communications Services

Unified communications services allow businesses to integrate various communication methods into a single platform, including voice, video, and messaging.

Unified communication services can improve collaboration, increase productivity, and reduce operational costs by allowing businesses to allow employees to communicate seamlessly with clients and colleagues.

Application Management Services

Application management services offer businesses support from experts to optimize their applications and maintain their performance.

Managed application services can help businesses reduce issues with software performance, ensure data integrity, and optimize application performance. These services may include installation, configuration, support, and maintenance of business applications.

Licensing and Compliance Standards

To remain compliant with industry regulations, businesses need to keep their licenses current and adhere to relevant standards. Managed services can help businesses manage, verify, and track software licensing agreements and ensure compliance with relevant regulations or industry standards. Additionally, these services can guide any changes necessary to remain compliant.

IT Assessments and Consultation

Managed services can also provide IT assessments and consultative services to help businesses evaluate their existing systems and develop new strategies for future growth.

These assessments help identify potential areas of improvement and suggest best practices for staying competitive in an ever-changing landscape. Additionally, consultation services can advise on current trends or emerging technologies that may provide valuable advantages to businesses.

Managed IT solutions can provide businesses with a competitive edge by enabling them to streamline operations, keep up with the latest technology, and achieve their goals more efficiently. You can access the latest technologies and industry professionals and get 24/7 support through these services. This lets businesses focus on their core operations, improve efficiencies, and minimize downtime.

Collaborating with a managed service provider can bring lasting benefits to businesses. These include reducing the risk of security breaches and avoiding expensive investments in hardware and software. Consequently, businesses can save a significant amount of money that can be used to promote growth and development in other areas.

BlackPoint IT offers a comprehensive suite of managed services to businesses. Our team of IT professionals with extensive experience is available round-the-clock to offer assistance and ensure your business’s efficient and smooth operations. Contact us today!

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