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3 Ways to Use Cloud Computing to Solve BYOD Challenges

Last updated: 13 Apr 2023

Bring your own device (BYOD) has exploded in popularity as a money-saving and efficiency-boosting workplace policy. However, it has also created several unique challenges, and many organizations are still searching for effective ways to address them. Cloud computing offers many solutions, but to harness its power, it’s essential to understand where these challenges come from and what problems they pose.

BYOD policies create three main challenges related to security, compliance, and redundancy. Security is one of the most pressing, as personal devices used for work purposes aren’t usually protected as carefully as company-issued devices would be.

Compliance issues are prominent in industries that collect and use confidential data, such as healthcare, financial services, and e-commerce. These need to be carefully considered and mitigated to prevent data breaches, cybercrime, and related problems.

Redundancy is another critical problem, as software, encryption tools, and privacy controls may not be identical from an end-to-end standpoint. This, in turn, can lead to a whole host of issues that can impact efficiency, productivity, and even profitability.

Cloud Computing BYOD Solutions

Enterprises looking to address these concerns can turn to newly developed cloud computing solutions for answers. Examples of these solutions include:

  • DNS firewalls. Unsecured Wi-Fi connections are one of the biggest threats to data security, and it’s common for employees to use public Internet connections to access private information. DNS firewalls offer a solution. These firewalls can be used to protect sensitive and private data, while still making it accessible to employees working from remote locations.
  • Centralized document management. Cloud computing makes it easy for businesses to mandate the use of particular software tools for accessing and managing documents. This eliminates the multiple data trails generated by employees who use of their own built-in device software, increasing security and ensuring universal compatibility.
  • Restrictive policies for proprietary software. Restrictive BYOD policies are essential for businesses using proprietary tools that cannot be deployed to cloud computing platforms. These policies restrict accessibility to a fixed number of devices, achieving superior control over who, when, and how proprietary tools can be accessed.

The professionals at BlackPoint IT Services offer advanced, detailed knowledge of emerging processes that are driving innovation in the realm of business telecom. To learn more about how BlackPoint can help companies use cloud computing to build safer and more effective BYOD policies, please contact a client services representative today.

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