Many companies recognize that moving to the cloud may be the only option for remaining competitive in a market that caters to the end user. Customers are demanding a personalized, user-friendly experience, and businesses utilizing cloud technology have the ability to meet that demand with frequent updates and innovations.
Despite the need to compete in a technology-driven market, some companies are reluctant to implement cloud technology. Here are some of the most common concerns that keep IT from embracing the cloud migration:
Loss of control: CIOs know that when technology fails, they are in the hot seat, so many are reluctant to move to a cloud environment where they perceive a reduced level of control over their infrastructure, security, and network.
The reality is that CIOs and their IT teams generally experience a higher level of control over a cloud or hybrid cloud environment, including the ability to optimize workload placement and increase the efficiency of business processes. There’s also a higher level of control when it comes to scalability, because instead of purchasing licenses, you simply subscribe for the additional employees that need access to a particular cloud solution.
Security: Security is a topic that frequently comes up in discussions about moving to the cloud. Line of business managers may express concerns about storing data in a cloud storage solution or whether a breach is more likely in an off-site data center.
It’s important to go over security with your cloud provider and be sure that the following points are clear:
When it comes to how safe your system is, cloud security is often more robust than any security system you could have with on-premises software. No system is without vulnerabilities or risk, but cloud providers tend to operate with patches in place and the latest security updates installed at all times.
Data protection: Your data is one of your most valuable assets, and it’s important to carefully evaluate providers when it comes to data storage and the software that will interact with your stored data. Storing cold data is often the first step companies take when deciding to test a cloud solution for the first time.
High-profile hacking cases in the news can make it seem like you’re going to be a target. Talk with a respected cloud provider about your concerns and find out what they’re doing to prevent these types of scenarios.
An initial switch to the cloud often feels like a big transition. If you’re contemplating an implementation of cloud technology, talk with BlackPoint IT Services. We can help you sort through your concerns and guide you to a solution that works for your company.