It’s becoming more common to have applications in the cloud, and most companies engaged in cloud technology are running a hybrid cloud solution. What often happens is that applications are gradually placed on the cloud without an intentional plan on how to manage a bigger cloud strategy. Successful cloud migrations have something in common.
- A detailed action plan towards business goals
- Strategic execution of the plan
Migrating to a cloud environment involves these factors. A strategy will get you to the end of the cloud migration process safely. To help you with a cloud migration strategy, we’ve put together a guide for you.
1. Term Definitions
Before starting any project, establishing a standardized set of terms and definitions keeps everybody on the same page and clear on their use of terms. Having this on your strategy will keep your communication throughout the process understandable by your team. It serves as a consensus as everybody works on a specific area of the cloud migration project.
2. Analyze the current state of your IT
Assessing the current health of your IT environment allows you to discern whether there are agnostic systems, vulnerabilities, or loopholes that can jeopardize your cloud migration. If your IT network wasn’t fully optimized, it could lead to disruptions or potential risks.
Look at the capacity and bandwidth of your network as well. The cloud is virtually accessed over the Internet where a stable network is imperative in running your applications smoothly. If you jumped right into migrating without knowing your network can’t handle the demands of the cloud, you wouldn’t experience its full capabilities. Deploying new projects also loads slower than usual.
3. Select the assets that go to the cloud
Cloud migration is similar to moving into a new house. You select the assets that will be transferred to the new location and package it all up. Mapping out assets minimize disruption in a way that you know which one goes first and how the sequence looks like. It’s prioritizing the most important ones down to the least valuable assets. Opting to transfer data in bulk all at once has higher risks of program crashes. As much as possible, migrate piece by piece.
4. Plan the deployment model
Drill down to the specifics of the deployment once steps one to step four have been crossed out of your migration strategy checklist. Planning the deployment model gives you a more organized and smarter process. It can be as simple as defining the users and their permissions–admin, moderator, editors, and members. Learn about the six Rs for migrating strategies.
5. Align cloud initiatives to your business goals
Ponder how your cloud initiatives connect to your business goals.
- What comes after the cloud migration?
- How can I fully leverage it for maximum ROI?
- Will it help optimize business operations? In what way?
- Which areas of the cloud can help me achieve my business goals?
- Are there certain technologies that won’t be compatible with the cloud?
- Can this accommodate the needs of my offices in other countries?
Bearing these questions in mind clarifies the specific opportunities and risks that cloud adoption may pose to your business.
6. Backup plan
Adopting the cloud without a backup plan is as if playing casino–the odds of winning are low. In this case, you never know whether your cloud migration would be a success or not. There might be a time when data is being relocated, but it’s taking too long to finish and someone from your team needs access immediately. Worst scenario, in the middle of the process, the data suddenly gets corrupted. What can you do? A backup plan will be your safety net.
7. Security Protocols
Even though cloud environments are secure, creating extra security measures doesn’t hurt. Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated to the extent that even some large companies with enterprise-grade protection fall from these traps. As simple as aligning your overall security strategy to your cloud strategy works.
Establish your strategy with a few questions:
- Which data types does your company consider to be most valuable?
- What kinds of personal information do you have for both employees and customers, and which applications contain this type of data?
- How will data be secured?
Additional security concerns to address in your cloud strategy include:
- How will you manage the use of personal applications or personal mobile devices by employees?
- Are employees able to download applications into your system without going through IT?
8. Address Potential Risks
Any project has its innate risks. Addressing the potential risks as early as possible can reduce the probability of massive disruption. The goal is to migrate and deploy applications successfully by mapping out if/then scenarios and circumventing them at the very beginning of the project. In any case, seek opinions from your employees or ask for advice from an IT expert.
You are now ready to fire the plan! If you want to dive in deeper, schedule a free consultation with one of our IT experts. See how we can ease the process of cloud migration.