Here at BlackPoint IT Services, we strive to fill these vital needs for our clients’ technology infrastructure, but we also take time every year to support charities that provide security, stability, and strong networks to those most in need.
For 2016, BlackPoint’s Annual Holiday Giving Initiative supported Navos Mental Health Solutions and Northwest Harvest. Please take a moment to read about these incredible organizations that serve the PNW at-risk communities and consider supporting them through donations, volunteering, or just raise awareness by sharing this article through social media.
Northwest Harvest
Northwest Harvest is the only nonprofit food bank distributor operating statewide in Washington with a network of 375 food banks, meal programs, and high-need schools. Through this network, they provide more than 2 million meals every month. Their vision is ending hunger in Washington.
Navos Mental Health Solutions
Navos Mental Health Solutions is the largest provider of community mental health services in King County, and every year they give Hygiene Kits to children, youth, and families living at or below the poverty line. These essential items provide improved quality of life, health benefits, and a sense of dignity to the Navos clients. Their mission is to transform the quality of life for people vulnerable to mental illness and addiction by providing a broad continuum of care.
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