Many businesses record interactions with customers, suppliers and other third parties. These interactions include enormous amounts of valuable information and insight. If this is easily made available to the right people in your business, it can help you improve the service you offer to your customers while improving operational efficiency and business effectiveness. Avaya IP Office Media Manager, available through VoiceMail Pro Call Recording, provides the ability to search and replay your valuable recorded interactions.
Search — Authorized users can use this browser-based application to retrieve calls based on search filters including start date/time, duration of call, name of the party calling, and the target or dialed number.
Replay — To replay recordings, simply click on the buttons next to the calls listed on your PC screen and listen through your PC soundcard. You can graphically “see” into the call using the Energy Envelope feature and rapidly identify points of interest to review, such as a prolonged silence or raised voice portions of conversations. The application points to opportunities to improve call handling or productivity.
Export — With IP Office Media Manager and the proper security, you can quickly export recordings to non-system users. The system saves recorded calls as industry standard .wav files that can be distributed to anyone who can replay the file on a workstation with a Web browser and a media player. For example, a call from one of your top sales executives that illustrates the perfect up-selling call can be sent to the rest of your sales team for training purposes.